

September 21, 2024
University of British Columbia
Partner: UBC PreMed Society and SFU Premed Society

IMSF will be back in Vancouver for Western Canada’s Biggest Medical School Fair. Held at the beautiful campus of UBC, we have partnered with UBC Premed Society and SFU PreMed Society to bring you the best pool of students and future healthcare workers in this region. Last year’s BIG FAIR was a huge success with over 300+ students in attendance. 

IMSF BC Roadshow

 September 23
UBC Okanagan
Partner: UBC Okanagan Pre-Med Club

September 24
University of Victoria

Following the Vancouver Big Fair, IMSF will be in the next 2 biggest universities in Western Canada, UBC Okanagan Campus and University of Victoria where we have partnered with PreMed clubs to bring in the brightest Science students in this region.

IMSF University of Toronto Campuses Roadshow

October 3rd, 2024
 University of Toronto Mississauga Campus
Partner: Erindale Biology Society

October 4th, 2024
  University of Toronto Scarborough Campus
Partner:  UTSC PreMed Society

Due to popular demand, we are going to University of Toronto campuses outside downtown. Both UofT Scarborough and Mississauga are huge campuses that have thousands of Pre-Medical / Pre-Health students. The event will take place before the most awaited and IMSF’s biggest event on October 5th for the IMSF TORONTO Big Fair!


October 5, 2024
  University of Toronto St.George Campus
Partner:  UofT PreMed Student Association

The Biggest Medical and Healthcare Event in Canada is back! Last year, we had over 1,000++ registrations and this year we are hoping for more! The IMSF Toronto BIG FAIR is in partnership with University of Toronto Pre-Medical Society and is an open invitation to all residents of GTA(Greater Toronto Area). 

IMSF Atlantic Roadshow


October 28, 2024
  Memorial university of Newfoundland
Partner:  MUN PreMed Society

October 29, 2024
  University of New Brunswick
Partner:  UNB PreMed Society

Join IMSF’s Atlantic Roadshow and meet students from Newfoundland and New Brunswick! Both universities have medical schools, hence, they both attract thousands of Pre-Med/Pre-Health students in their undergraduate programs.


October 30, 2024

Venue:  Dalhousie University
Partner:  Dalhousie PreMed Society and Kin Society

Following the Atlantic Roadshow, the Halifax BIG FAIR is happening at the Dalhousie University campus. This is a different BIG FAIR compared to our usual one as this is geared towards Dalhousie students only and is done on a Wednesday as requested by our student partners to have a bigger and better attendance!

IMSF Prairie Roadshow


November 18, 2024
  University of Winnipeg
Partner:  University of Winnipeg PreMed Soceity

November 19, 2024
  University of Manitoba
Partner:  Univ. of Manitoba PreMed Society

November 20, 2024
  University of Saskatchewan
Partner:  Univ. of Saskatchewan PreMed Society

November 21, 2024
  University of Alberta
Partner:  Univ. of Alberta PreMed Society

The Prairie is a term in Canada that describes the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta collectively. IMSF’s Prairie Roadshow aims to highlight the biggest universities in this region. Visit 4 universities in 3 Provinces in 4 days that leads up to IMSF’s Calgary Big Fair!



November 22, 2024
  University of Calgary
Partner:  Univ. of Calgary SIMS (Students interested in Medicine Soceity)


The Prairie Roadshow ends in the beautiful city of Calgary for the IMSF Calgary BIG FAIR. Due to popular demand, we are bringing the event back in this vibrant city where we held a very successful BIG Fair last year. We are moving the location and date to the main University Calgary campus and holding it on a Friday to maximize your exposure to University of Calgary students. 

IMSF Queen's University CUCOH (Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare)

January 18, 2025

Venue:  Queen’s University
Partner:  Queen’s Univ. CUCOH


CUCOH is the largest The Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare (CUCOH) is a weekend-long, student-run conference held annually at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Over the course of a weekend, CUCOH exposes undergraduate students to a wide array of professions in the healthcare industry through inspiring keynotes, collaborative case challenges, hands-on workshops and a research competition that showcase the multidisciplinary nature of healthcare. IMSF partnered with CUCOH again this year to bring you this one of a kind event!

IMSF Ontario Roadshow


March 24, 2025
  Western University
Partner:  Western PreMed Society

March 25, 2025
  McMaster University
Partner:  McMaster Medicine and Health Science Club

March 26, 2025
  York University
Partner:  Mithra and UHRE

March 27, 2025
  Queen’s University
Partner:  Queen’s Univ. Exploring Medicine Association.

March 28, 2025
  University of Ottawa
Partner:  Univ. of Ottawa PreMed Society

IMSF’s Biggest Roadshow is back! 5 days, 5 universities and thousands of preHealth students to network with. Last year, we had over 2,000+ students attend our Ontario Roadshow in a span of 5 days and we are expecting more! We have partnered with the biggest pre-health clubs in the Province of Ontario to bring you back this event.


March 29, 2025

Venue:  McGill University
Partner:  McGill HOSA

Join us at the enchanting city of Montreal and meet students from McGill and CGEP. The IMSF Montreal Big Fair is the last event of IMSF in the 2024-2025 cycle.